Minggu, 16 April 2017


Oil Outline
  1. History of Use
  2. Formation of Oil
  3. Concentration of Oil
  4. Oil Recovery
  5. Oil Refining
  6. Where is the oil?
  7. How long will it last?
  8. What are the environmental Concerns?
  9. Real cost of oil

History of Use

  • 1000 A.D.  Arab scientists discovered distillation and were able to make kerosene.  This was lost after the 12th century!
  • Rediscovered by a Canadian geologist called Abraham Gesner in 1852.
  • Oil seep in California : Petroleum seep (a place where natural liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons escape to the earth's atmosphere and surface, normally under low pressure or flow). The seep began after the 1994 Northridge earthquake in the North Sulphur Mountain Area of Ojai oil field, Ventura County, CA. 
  • 1858:  first oil drilled in Canada
  • 1859:  Edwin Drake! Who is he? 
  • He was the first person in the U.S. to drill for oil , Where?  Titusville, Pennsylvania
  • Initial cost:  $20 per barrel, within three years dropped to 10 cents
  • Now why do we measure oil in barrels?
  • 1901:  Texas!  Spindletop gushed 60m high and gave 100,000 bbl a day
  • Name: Petro means rock, Oleum means oil
Oil: A Timeless Energy Source Ancient times
  • 3000 B.C.: Mesopotamians used “rock oil” in architectural adhesives, ship caulks, medicines and roads
  • 2000 B.C.: Chinese refined crude oil for use in lamps and to heat their homes Even though fossil fuels were used thousands of years ago, mass consumption of oil and gas began only “recently.”
  • 1849: Method to distill kerosene from petroleum discovered.
  • 1853: Polish chemist Ignancy Lukasiewiz discovered how to make kerosene from crude oil on an industrial scale.
  • 1859: Kerosene took over lighting market.
  • 1847: The world’s first oil well was drilled in Baku, Azerbaijan
  • 1851: Scottish chemist James Young opens the world’s first oil refinery near Edinburgh, Scotland
  • 1859: Colonel Edwin Drake drilled the first successful commercial oil well in northwestern Pennsylvania.
  • 1896: The first known offshore oil well is drilled at the end of a 300-foot wharf in Summerland, California. 
  • 1901: On January 10, Spindletop, an oil field located just south of Beaumont, Texas, produces a "gusher" that spills out 100,000 barrels of oil per day. 
  • 1917: The Bolivar Coastal field, South America’s largest oil field, discovered in Venezuela.
  • 1903: Entrepreneur Henry Ford incorporates the Ford Motor Company.
  • 1908: Ford's mass-produced Model T drives consumer demand for gasoline. 125,000 cars on US roads. Oil is found in Persia (modern Iran), leading to the formation of Anglo-Persian Oil company, the forerunner of BP
  • 1930: 26.7 million cars in the US.
  • 1938: Major oil reserves are discovered in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia
  • 1950 – present:  Oil became most-used energy source because of automobiles.
  • 1993 – present: US imports more oil than it produces - needed because of growing petroleum demand used for fuel, electricity and manufacturing plastic.
  • 2007: World uses about 86 million barrels of oil per day – 40,000 gallons every second.

Who Work on Oil and Gas?
  • The Finders
    Geoscientists  (geologists, geophysicists)
    Study the Earth to search for clues to where oil and gas might be hidden
    Analyze minerals, soil, and rocks samples
    Evaluate underground geologic structures to find oil and gas fields
    The Movers
    Petroleum engineers
    Determine best drilling methods to find oil and gas deep in the Earth
    Manage production when oil and gas are drained from underground
    Oil and Gas Refinery
    Chemical engineers
    very technical role - from process engineering to design engineering. 
    management and technical roles throughout the entire organization
    Offshore Drilling Platforms Become
     “Pit Stops” for Monarch Butterflies
    300 million monarchs fly from Canada, U.S. – spending winters in warm central Mexico
    Offshore oil-industry equipment in Gulf of Mexico offers ideal rest stop
    Monarchs attracted to structures with
    bright yellow paint

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